The wondeful Audrey from cut and some, gave me this wonderful award!!! I am so thankful and greatful that she finds my work worthy...again Audrey "thank you." Now for the fun part, to pass it on, I like all the blogs that i visit, these ladies have truely inspired me alot!!! Thanks for the inspiration!!! i would like to pass this award to you:
SCRAP AVENUE: i love your videos and tutorials!
DCDOLL:- I love to see how you transform paper into works of art!! I also love those purses!
P-KAY, TONYA, CASSIE, NUBIAN & SHELLY: love all your projects over at platinum scraps!
DAINTY DIVA: love to see your creations!
TREVA: I love to see your creations, i also love your possitive outlook on life!
I2: i love to see your creations!
Thank you ladies, please enjoy you award and pass it on to others that inspire you like you have inspired me!